This is all still unbelievable to me. It is really hard for me to believe that I'm really living in Missouri now and my dad and brother are still in New Mexico. What if this is all a dream? What if I wake up tomorrow in my own bed a week before school started? I told Mom that and she said "This would have to be a coma dream." Then I thought what if it is a coma dream? What if I wake up tomorrow to find out it's a week after my stomach surgery? What if my whole life is just a dream? It's very perplexing to think about, and it really boggled my mind, so I thought I'd share it with you ;).
On a side note, I apologize for not posting for a few days. I'm just running sort of low on inspiration because I'm doing so well. I've been walking around without my oxygen on! Today, I went into a Halloween store without it, and it felt so great. I can't tell you how great it felt to not have to deal with that stupid tank.
Sorry, it's a short post. I'll try to do better tomorrow
Keep smiling! :)
I am loving this is so YOU!! Of course, I also love that you posted your essay which impacted me, maybe almost as much as it impacted you last year--really! By the way, I feel that you are completely justified in your "F-You" comment to smokers! Glad to know I can stay caught up with you via this venue. Wilk