Monday, October 15, 2012

Behind the Scenes

 ... So basically, everyone goes through hard times, some more than others. We all have our special ways to deal with those hard times. Some people cry, some people scream, some people throw things, and some people somehow combine all of these things. Me? I sometimes cry… actually I cry a lot, but in the end, I find myself looking for the bright side.
My hard time consisted of 7 weeks in the hospital, 6 weeks without a single bite of food, several invasive procedures to try to fix a distended stomach, and finally stomach surgery. Also, throughout this whole time, I had 6 chest tubes, each one another failed attempt to fix a recurring pneumothorax. Sometimes, we all need a little push to find the bright side of things. So I have created this blog for people who need that push. I started a journal that, for a while, I was writing at least one optimistic thing in everyday. Now that things are better, I just write in it when I have something new to report. With this blog, I will try to post everyday, but, as I’m sure many of you know, sometimes life just gets in the way of our plans. 

Keep Smiling! :)

Love, Maggie


  1. Soooooo....I love you and your outlook on life.

  2. way to go maggie. you made my bad day better with your optimisam.

  3. Thanks, guys! By the way, what do you think of the layout/colors of my blog? Is it too busy? Difficult to read? Let me know! :)
