Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Life's Not Fair

Life's not fair, we all know it's true. Sometimes it's so unfair, it just makes us want to throw up. Today, I'm just going to rant a little. So, I'm a 17 year old who needs oxygen. That's the first unfair thing. Because I have to wear oxygen all the time, I either have to be hooked up to a concentrator, which has to be plugged into an electrical outlet, or I have to cart around a tank of oxygen that is half my size and weighs more than I am allowed to lift right now (so someone else has to lift it in and out of the car for me). It's just a freaking hassle, plus it's so bulky and it takes up an entire seat's space at the movie theatre, or at the dinner table, etc. And sometimes, the cart has a mind of its own and it's almost impossible to steer. I've tried to get a smaller one that I can carry around in a backpack, but guess what! We need proof that I actually need one (like a low O2 saturation level). I guess they're expensive, so they don't just want to be giving them out to just anyone. A lot of them are being used by people who smoked their lives away and now need oxygen to even survive. Oh, I'm sorry I was born with this chronic lung disease that makes it hard for me to breathe. That was totally my bad for not destroying my lungs on my own.

     So here's my message to all you smokers out there. Eff you. And guess what? I don't care if I just horribly offended you. Do you know how many days of my life I have spend just wishing I could breathe? And there you go, wasting a perfectly good pair of lungs.

     There are so many things we take for granted that other people spend most of their lives wishing they had. Think about that for a second, and maybe tomorrow, you'll think twice about that cigarette.

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