Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Just Keep Swimming

"Just keep Swimming," -Dory, Finding Nemo    

      Everyone (at least I hope most of you) are familiar with Finding Nemo, the movie from which the title of this post comes from. 
     Today I met with some friends from dance. They brought me cards from people at the studio. One of my favorite teachers said “17 years ago, I moved to Farmington. This is what I learned: You won’t lose your connections, and you’ll just make new connections where you’re going.” I thought about this for a while, because that was never the reason this was so hard. It’s my senior year of high school, and I was so happy. I was starting a tap solo that I was/ am so excited about, and I was going to do a duet, and have a lead role, and take a billion classes, AND I was going to do PlayMakers (the theatre group I'm a part of). It was going to be a GREAT year. That’s why this is all so hard, but I’d never thought about it that deeply before. It’s true though. The people that are important to me, will stay in touch, and probably come visit me, and I’ll make new friends as well. I’m excited for that, I love meeting new people.Currently, my friends list on Facebook is stable. I'm not adding friends, nor deleting them. I’m friends with everyone in this town that I want to be, so either new people move to Aztec, I friend people I don’t know, or I move from Aztec. Hopefully, my list will grow, but no matter what, I will honestly be able to say I know everyone on that list.

     Anyway, back to the quote. In Finding Nemo,Marlin kept swimming. What if he’d stopped swimming? He wouldn’t have found Nemo,he wouldn’t have met Dory, or the turtle whose name escapes me at the moment.He never would have discovered and experienced the open sea! And what kind ofstory is that. That would have been the WORST story in the history of ever. So,on that note, I’m swimming. I’m swimming the heck out of my life. Tata for now. 

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