Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fear of Falling, or lack there of. (Warning: Slight Foul Language)

“I’d risk the fall just to know what itfeels like to fly”–Unknown

      I’m terrified of heights. I hate to admit it because I hate being afraid of stuff. I feel puny when I’m afraid of stuff, however it’s the truth. I am terrified of heights. I’m deathly afraid that I’m going to fall and break something, or worse. You’re probably thinking “I thought this chick was supposed to be an optimist….” Well, I still am, sort of because I don’t let that stop me. Like the quote says I should, I ignore my fear and go as high as I possibly can. So the lesson for today is a very well known statement. (That’s the teacher’s kid in me coming out). You can’t let your fears control your life. If I let my fear of heights control me, I never would have:
Jeeping above Silverton;
Hurricane Pass
·        Gone up in the St. Louis Arch, the Gateway to the West
·        Ride the chair lift at the ski resort, and therefore never riding from the top of the mountain
·        Assisted the lighting technician in my theatre group
·        Seen so many wonderful things from the top (or close to) of various mountains, peaks, and hills

And I cannot express to you how important these events were/are in my life. The dirt roads that take me into the mountains behind Purgatory/Durango Mountain Resort are some of my favorite places to be: just me and my Jeep (and usually Dad, and sometimes Mom, and sometimes even Brother),taking in the truly fresh air. But I never could have gone up there had I let my fears control me, because those dirt roads are narrow, and one side is very much a “drop off.” It’s terrifying. And it’s awesome. (I’m kind of an adrenaline junkie. Haha)
Now, here I sit, knowing there is a lung transplant in my future, possibly sooner rather than later. Here I sit, at the age of 17,thinking about the possibility of death. Do I know what it feels like to fly?Hell yeah, I do. However, just because I know how doesn't mean I quit. So lookout, St. Louis, you are about to be graced with the presence of a complete BADASS.  

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