Saturday, October 20, 2012

If you wake up today...

     Good morning!! (I'm sure it's still morning somewhere in the world, lol.) We arrived safely in St. Louis, MO around 10:30 central time last night. As I predicted, it was a hard day, especially when my aunt played Jason Mraz's "I Won't Give Up." Have you ever listened to a song and the lyrics totally described whatever you were going through at that moment? Yeah, that's how it was for me. So, I decided that I'm going to work on choreographing a lyrical dance to that song. It's going to take me a while to get strong enough to actually do it, but it's going to happen. I know it. Besides, what kind of optimist doesn't believe in herself? Lame! Another thing that made it all hard is that when we finally arrived, it was just my mom and me. You're probably thinking "duh, that's how it's been for a month now," but at the condo, it was okay because I didn't have SO many memories of Dad and Brother at the condo. Here, that's all there is. I've never been here without them before... and so continues the countdown.

     55 Days until Christmas Break

I was flipping through my optimist journal, trying to find the perfect quote for today, and this is what I found. I chose it for a couple reasons. 

"If you wake up today in a different place, you can cry all you want, or join in the dance..."
The first reason is because I wrote this down in my journal on September 1st, three days before my stomach surgery. There was a chance (a very small chance, but still a chance) that they would have to intubate me. We wanted to avoid that because the doc was afraid my lungs weren't strong enough to then get off the ventilator. So, we had it worked out that if the surgeons had to intubate me, the hospital would then fly me to St. Louis for a lung transplant. So I wrote this down because there was a chance that I could be waking up from surgery in a whole different room, a whole different hospital, heck a whole different STATE! I told myself, "even if that happens, it'll be okay. There are people there that will take care of you. St. Louis is a great city." I would've joined in the dance. So now, here we are. I woke up this morning in a different place, but I've already joined in the dance.
The second reason is because of the rest of the song. It's from a song called "Drive" by Eddie From Ohio. I thought this was perfect because we drove for 16 hours straight yesterday, lol.

Keep dancing!

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